It's Carnival season again, shows, road marches, colors and noise, but you don't care for any of that. What you really want is to enjoy every day of your vacation with all the colors, a whole lot of peace, occasional pampering and keep your wallet, for the most part, closed. Well, here's how:
First, plan. Get a Carnival schedule so that you'll know where the masses and noise will be. I sure you can get one from the newspaper. Be realistic. For me, although I am on vacation from "the classroom", my work still follows me like a lost puppy. I have crazy work to mark, exams to set etc. etc. And since I do not want to leave this vacation and walk into a grey cloud of stress on my return to the classroom, I'll have to get that work done. Stay home. Don't pay for a flight or hotel accommodations and suddenly your vacation is over $800 less. Vacation to most people means booking a flight to another country, but who says you have to? The great thing about living in St. Martin is you've already hit the jackpot: this is 'Las Vegas' of vacation destinations. Not only that, you can leave the country by driving over to the north or "French" side. The downside to being at home is you'll have your laundry staring at you and every other house chore asking, "What about me?" That solution is rather simple. Wake up early. Do an hour's worth of house chores and see it as exercise. In my case, I'll have to do that school work early so I'll have the rest of the day to be on vacation. Go to the Spa. Instead of booking an appointment to get treatments done and paying $ 30-90+, search for easy at home recipes like body scrubs, foot soaks and facial masks. The Internet and Youtube have a ton load of these. Open your kitchen cupboard for your ingredients. For starters, olive oil, brown sugar, vinegar and an avocado are just about all you may need. Go to the Movies. Stock up on library DVDs and pop your own corn. I am a Netflix subscriber so hey, a movie night is not a bad idea. Go restaurant hoping. If you love to cook and eat and you have your fair share of cook books or Internet access, create a fun menu of foods you normally don't eat or never tried. Cook Chinese, Italian, or some Indian or jerk. Invite friends over or go on a picnic. Hit the beach. Even it if is for an hour, take a swim or nap under a sea grape tree. Go the time you're normally at work and protect yourself from the sun. Be Creative. Make something. Take out your camera and do a couple shoots, draw, and paint. Take a hike. Take a walk throughout your neighborhood, or start/ expand your garden. Visit the forts and other landmarks. Drive down a street you've never been on. Declutter and Donate Comb through your clothes, books, old Cds and DvDs and toss and donate the ones you'll no longer want to keep. Trust me, you'll feel so much lighter and good. Take midday naps And go to bed early. Your body will love you more. How are you planning to have a dirt cheap non-Carnival vacation?
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